Transport Platforms & Mast Transport
A Fraco distributor for Ontario and Western Canada
SEP Transport Platforms
Fraco SEP Series rack and pinion transport platforms offer the highest load capacities among single-mast transport platforms available in the market.

All SEP Platforms are built with common electrical and mechanical components easily available from local suppliers.
Fraco SEP Series rack and pinion transport platforms offer the highest load capacities among single-mast transport platforms available in the market. They do not require a concrete slab prior to installation and can be used both inside and outside a building. They distinguish themselves by the use of a flexible wall fastener and a system of adjustable tensioners that can reach top or face of slab.
They distinguish themselves by the use of a flexible wall fastener and a system of adjustable tensioners that can reach top or face of slab.
Quick Installation & Ease of Operation
All Fraco SEP Series transport platforms are designed for efficient movement of personnel and materials on low rise projects. They offer safety features both inside the cabin and at the landings to be serviced, thanks to an easy-to-use loading ramp.
Their dimensions and capabilities can be customized to suit the needs of general and specialized contractors. They are built with common electrical and mechanical components easily available from local suppliers. All models are equipped with relay based control system for easier troubleshooting.